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Meet Lisa Lundy & Tara Elmore
Founders of Complex Creatures, a personal care brand dedicated exclusively to breast care and wellness.

Founded by sisters Lisa Lundy and Tara Elmore with a mission to make breast care essential to self-care, we are excited to offer their products at


Can you share a little about the two of you and where the idea for Complex Creatures comes from?


Tara: Well, for starters, we’re sisters. And in late 2016 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Naturally, it turned our worlds upside down. As I came through the other side of treatment and was cancer free (yay!) I was on a quest to not get cancer again. Meanwhile, Lisa was automatically considered to be high risk (because sisters) and had some scary biopsies and other breast issues thanks to peri-menopause. As we got deep into how to get ahead of our breast health, we wanted to think about prevention as much as early detection. 


We really looked outside the Western paradigm to herbalists, functional medicine, TCM, Ayurveda, you name it—for their time-tested age-old wisdom. Traditional western medicine is great at treating illness, for which we are grateful. AND we really want to change the conversation to holistic breast wellness. 


Once we realized there were things we could do to support breast health, our minds were blown by how few products and trusted resources there were out there. We thought about all the things we do to take care of all our other parts—and thought, how is breast care not a thing? So, we decided to make it a thing.


Tell us about the products. What’s the reasoning behind the main ingredients/why are they helpful?


We’re pretty hardcore about what we put in and on our bodies. Our products are formulated with 100% clean, thoughtfully sourced ingredients—wild-crafted, family-farmed, and organic whenever possible. Every herb and botanical offer a targeted benefit. We work closely with our medical advisor, chemist, and herbalist to create the most luxurious and effective products. 


Our Deep Reservoir Breast Oil is a highly concentrated blend of herbs and botanicals. Every ingredient has a targeted breast or skin benefit. We created it for daily self-care and to get more intimate and familiar with your breasts. It’s super nourishing and hydrating so it plumps the skin and improves the texture and appearance of fine lines. It’s a beautiful addition to any self-care routine. It goes on smoothly and absorbs without leaving skin feeling greasy or sticky.





The High Vibe Healing Balm is safe for any skin, especially compromised or delicate. It was developed specifically to support skin during and after radiation therapy and surgery. Tara was hard-pressed to find clean, efficacious products during her own treatment, so this formula was born of a personal need. It’s proving to be a multi-tasking miracle balm.





Who are these products designed for?


Really anyone with a chest… ! From puberty to PMS to menopause. Our hope is that everyone creates a ritual to give their breasts attention, incorporating regular massage to improve body awareness and connection. 


How does self-massage help with breast health? What’s happening in your body when you do this on a regular basis? 

Breast massage supports lymphatic flow, which is integral to breast health. Regular, gentle massage can improve breast tissue nutrition, boost blood circulation, flush toxins and excess estrogen, enhance the elasticity of the ligaments, and improve skin tone.  


Can you walk us through the best way to self-massage?

Apply a dropperful of oil onto your hands or directly onto your chest. Start at the center of your chest and gently massage outward in sweeping circular motions. (Think: arc or rainbow). Spend time on any trouble or sore spots. Lift your arm above your head, using light sweeping motions from the elbow down your arm, across your heart. Cup both breasts and move underneath, working toward the outside. When finished, give them a little fluff or shake, whatever feels comfortable. It’s really about finding what works for you. 


After massage, place your hand under your armpit and pump upwards to drain lymph and flush toxins. 


Take a few deep breaths. Let go of any negative thoughts or feelings. Thank your breasts. You can watch a how-to from Lisa and Tara @__complexcreatures__



Is there a best time of day or month?


Breast massage can be done any time of day or month—whatever works for you. We always say, some attention is better than none. So even if you give each breast 30 seconds of love each day—after the shower, before bed, watching TV, online at the grocery store. Self-check on the other hand is a bit different and more exacting. It’s recommended to do that about a week after your period. 


Why do you think breasts and breast health are often overlooked-why are there so few products in the market when you created Complex Creatures?


Lisa: How much time do you have? Ha! There are so many reasons. It’s another casualty of women's health not receiving enough funding or research. The breast is the only organ that does not have its own doctor. It’s folded into gynecology. You only see a “breast doctor” if you need surgery—so most of what’s studied and researched about breasts centers around treating illness, namely cancer or breast surgery.  All of which is important, but there’s not nearly enough that goes into understanding the breast, its unique anatomy, and what kinds of preventative measures we can take to keep them healthy. Then there are the cultural and socio-political implications that impact the way we think and talk about breasts. Women are conditioned to feel apart from their breasts. I remember when we first worked together years ago, Araks said she makes lingerie for the individual wearing it—not for others—and that really resonates with us. Complex Creatures is as much about the reclamation of our bodies as it is about anything. 


What’s the biggest thing you’ve learned while creating Complex Creatures?


How much most of us don’t know about our breasts! 


Are there plans for more products in the future?


Yes! We mean it when we say we want to be the go-to for all things boobs. Stay tuned ;)

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